Thursday, August 28, 2008

"Ms. Audi I told my mom that I am going to give all of my clothes, (except my brand-new school clothes) to the poor."

I teach a ‘tweens’ class on Wednesday nights, and last nights meeting was amazing. I taught on love. That is my heart beat so that is usually all I talk about but I think it finally permeated their thought process. I have had a constant battle against their minds and spirits since I started teaching but finally there was a glimpse of peace! It was all my sweet Yahweh of course! We went through a lot of scriptures on love and I wrote on a black board what love was. Then we listened to a prophecy about Gods love, on the Jonathan Helser CD. The glory fell. The hardest kid to get to was crying and the others were praying and showing holy reverence. The Holy Spirit was not grieved! Then I showed them a clip of "Finger of God" about the underground church in China, to prove a point that young people can really love the Lord with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength. Then of course I threw in some Heidi Baker, talking about radicle faith and giving everything you have to the poor to follow Christ. There was a sweet spirit in the room that really rejuvenated my spirit if nothing else!
I was just talking to one of my best friends in Uganda, and she was telling me that she is leaving to go to a rainforest/ butterfly and bird sanctuary for her birthday. And we are not talking about Moody Gardens. That is fortunate. Kudos to you for having an amazingly exotic life! Haha..God has really blessed me with a new friend! Last night I realized how thankful I am for Sis. Tyna! I loaned her my favorite book, The Irresistible Revolution, by Shane Claiborne. Read that if you never have. It will make you want to sell everything you own to live for the poor, hate any sort of violence, and you will check every thing you buy to make sure it is made with fair labor.
Hurricane Gustav is headed our way. Kind of freaky since it is the 3 yr. Anniversary for Katrina. We have the authority to speak to the wind, Jesus did, didn’t he?!
I was listening to John Lewis on NPR this morning on my way to Krispy Kreme before work. He is the only of the ten speakers from the Lincoln Memorial, "I have a dream" King rally, that is still alive. Today is the 45th anniversary. He was talking about Barack Obama (how amazing it is that a Black man is the democratic head), and how the King movement was the reason that we were not still drinking from the bitter cup of segregation. I do not know about that.. Here is Louisiana it is still quite segregated. I am always stepping out of "the zone" because it is so far from my thinking that people could actually judge someone because of the color of their skin. Anyhow, Lewis started crying and said, "I though I had cried all of my tears", oh my the waterfalls came and in a hurry! I really appreciate Lou Engle and his calling to repent for the sins of our nation. God forgive us for hating our brothers and for all of the innocent blood shed during slavery and with hate crimes.
I am so excited about going to Austin this weekend! I am due for some family time over Spiderhouse, Claypit, and Barton Springs! I am supposed to go to this Campus Ministries meeting today during lunch.. I will keep you posted!
Quote of the day.. Let me look through "The Blessing of Love" By Mother Teresa...
The work we do is nothing more
than a means of transforming our love for Christ into
something concrete.
The Poor do not need our compassion or our pity,
They need our help.
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Rachael426 said...

Wow, congrats on the great work you are doing with your tweens. Love'll get 'em every time ;-)

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