Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Crazy Contradiction

Crazy Contradiction.
Have you ever not put on a jacket because it did not match your outfit. Pathetic thinking I know, but that was just me.. I was freezing but wanted to look sharp because the defending attorneys were coming in for a deposition! Now they are here so I am warm but very unattractive! I just talked with a guy that traveled with the Grand Ole Opry in the 60's and 70's. He invited me along with my voice and guitar to a bluegrass jam session.. I will be taking him up on that one. Country in not my forte but it would be a lot of fun!
My life as of the last week has been pretty eventful. I started school here in Shreveport. Im only taking 9 hours because I am working full time and I am in nearly every ministry at church. That is more than I planned on taking but since I decided against Mozambique for the Fall, I thought I might as well!
Heidi had some awesome things to say today in, "Compelled by Love".
She talks about how God spoke to her and told her,
"Apostolic is upside Down." Unlike how people are often trying to exalt themselves, the apostolic is the lowest place. Apostolic is a place of laid-down love where we become possessed with the nature of the man Christ Jesus to become a servant of all.
Ayn Rand would be pretty upset with that statement! But nevertheless it is the truth.. Take me lower Lord. Oh great.. Im about to get on my beatitudes soapbox again! I will spare you! I chuckle when people ask me to call them apostle or prophet. Take me still lower God! And that is all I will say!
Im doing my Bible study on love tonight, did you know that ‘love’ is referenced 703x in the Bible, according to Wow, that a lot of love! Maybe it is important in the Christian walk!
I got my new pimp-mobile! It was donated by the church! It is a periwinkle Crown Vic with plush, lazy boy, periwinkle seats to match. Wood paneling, what can I say, except Im a true G. You can catch me swayin’ my wagon, or floatin’ my boat anytime! Emily said it is bigger so that I can pack neighborhood kids in for church! That works.. Man but it is smooth! I don’t know if I will ever go back to a sporty car! I did feel kind of old driving this morning with the heat on (in the dead of summer) listening to National Public Radio while drinking coffee. Call me Granny Audi! Im still trying to name the tank.. Any ideas?
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.