Thursday, September 18, 2008


That is my word of the day.. To have many wrinkles.. 
Over the last week I have been thinking about getting old. 
Since hurricane Ike, family has been staying with us. My house 
parents are Ron and Emily, Ron’s mother has Alzheimers. My 
great grandmother died of that, and I see traces of it in my pappy. 
I break that generational curse right now! haha! I see how much that Ron’s Father
still loves Joyce (his wife). He takes care of her like he is taking care of himself. 
I think in the short time that they have been staying with us I have learned what 
it means to truly love someone. I have the best of the best models to aline myself with. 
I live with people that are madly in love with each other, I have never heard my parents fight, both sets of grandparents are married, my four sets of aunties and 
uncles are happily married. I have joked a lot about my family sticking together like a mafia, and people have accused us. But we just understand loyalty and commitment. I have not live through this broken home environment where I was love deprived, or had a bad example of a father, or anything of that matter. I have the best life a person could wish for, but it took me seeing someone giving everything that they are for their love. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, Give all to love, obey thy heart. I have seen that love in action. I know how to love and I know Gods love but how do I fall in love? How do I find an everlasting love that I will not get tired of and they will not get tired of me? I have been thinking about becoming old, and I realized that I do not want to get old. I honestly believe I will not have to go through all the bad stages.. Maranatha Maranatha Lord Jesus! I want to be raptured. But if I do I prayed the other day that I wanted a Sarah anointing, Kings trying to hit on her when she was 90 years old. I want that! I just want someone who will take care of me if I were to get alzheimers. Uncle Jonathan said in marriage concealing  he always asks, “If you got into a wreck on the way to your honeymoon suite and your wife/husband was completely paralyzed, would you stay committed for the rest of your life and take care of her/him?” That is really hard. I do not know if I could do that for any guy I know! God will have to work on me!

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