Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Meaning of Life

The Meaning of life
Im an all American rebel making my big get away… like steve mcqueen I am really not an all American but I can act like I am when I listen to Sheryl Crow! Today was sooooo phenomenal. I went to church at 9 and did not get out until what 4 and I left before it was over because I was starved. Church was so awesome. A British/American/ Ugandan friend joined me. I will explain his story in a few. Meanwhile, I am so excited about what happened at church. A visiting Nigerian pastor ministered today. We saw many miracles and he spoke with such eloquence. He called me on stage after service to prophecy to me. He told me that I was blessed with a loving heart that could not be tampered. He said he saw a NGO in my future that I started helping female children. He said that many seemingly unreachable people were going to invest in me/my work. He also said that I am thinking that my ministry will be concealed to corners but that my ministry will be open walls. He told me there is no telling how big and awesome it will get. He also said that someone connected to my father will help to start the program. Also that God is already opening the doors for me to meet very influential people who are going to back me. He said many other things. Anyone who knows me knows that he was exactly on queue. I was so encouraged. I have been feeling like my dream was so much larger than me.. well it is so much bigger than I but it is not out of my hands. I was so blessed. Then I went to lunch with my friend I met by freak chance. He has been in the North. He was telling me his stories about him living in an IDP camp. He actually drank the same water and lived exactly how these 2 million people live everyday. He is a student and he is sponsoring four kids to go to school. He was telling me the story of one girl he sponsors. She was abducted by the LRA when she was 10, she was raped and became pregnant when she was 12. She escaped by running 200 km. through the bush with a five month baby on her back. She would drink mud to have something in a liquid form go down her throat and lived on leaves… whatever she could find. Kind of makes me be a little thankful. The amazing thing about this girl is she remained so crimson and joyous. The weird thing is that the more of these children who have been through things none of can even imagine have more joy than I. It is like they see the real meaning of life. They define happiness through triumph and just because they are alive is more than enough. This girl is 15 and going to beauty school here in Kpala. She is graduating in a short while and she is not going to stay here in the city and make money but she is turning around and going back to Gulu where she was hurt so badly, and she is going to help other girls who have been through what she went through but have no means to go to school. What is life to me? What is life to you? What do I value? What do I consider success? Life is so much more than what I see, think, hear, read, or even dream. As I sit here in my nice clothes I think maybe there is a greater calling to my life than just to get married and have a few kids and have the American dream. Sorry Bambi, that is not me. Life has more meaning than I can ever imagine. Why did God die for me? I think maybe he wanted me/all of us to do extraordinary things. I know everyone is not called to Africa –but you know there are troubled people everywhere. I was reading the Monitor the other day, and there was a article about President Museveni going to Germany to speak to some Xian group. He said communist China has given more to Africa then the Christian West and we are the ones who supposedly to work on love. I will try to find that article. It really convicted me. Who am I to tell you to be proactive? I can only hope that is already instilled in everyone. I teach a bible study to kids 5 times a week. These kids come excited and faithfully. I wish everyone could go to Mengo, the place where I teach. It is a HORRIBLE horrible area. It is mostly Somalian refugee area but is know for prostitution and thieves. It is disgusting. These kids live with nothing. There are several kids who do not have money to even go to school. One girl in particular, her name is Baritha. Her parents both died of AIDS and lives with her grandparents. She recently became a Christian and her grandfather will no longer pay her school fees because she is no longer Muslim. All she wants to do is go to school. For everything she needs about 110,000 shillings, which is about $70. Wow, can I spare a pair of shoes or maybe a cup of coffee a day for this girl's education. What has she done to not deserve an education? I can solve her problem. I do not have a lot of money but I can do that. Define necessity? I can honestly tell you that I can look at a hummer with a little bit of disgust. We are so much bigger than we think. You have the power to turn a persons life around. You have the ability to give a child ultimate happiness. Question yourself, your goals, and ambitions. Making millions is not the only gratifying thing you can do. Believe in youself and your ability to show Gods love, not only with your money but with your prayers and dedication to your world. These people know their government, We should also. We control what happens in our country. Let us talk to our Senators to pass bills to get the US into helping these people. The US just gave Africa what 60 or maybe 30 billion (i cannot remember exactly) for AIDS medicine but the Africans do not think it will be affective because they do not have enough money to maintain the hospitals or to pay people to give the medicine. We can do something about that. These people are so dedicated to God. They pray and attend church more than you could even imagine. Tomorrow we have lunch hour prayer 12-3, then there is bible study at 6pm and then all night prayer. This is more than religion to these wonderful people, it is their whole existence. Why can we not dedicate prayers to them? Go on week long fast with them. It is not Gods will for these people to die of disease and poverty. We need to pray for their well being and their Government.
On a bit of a lighter note, I had a great night last night! I spent the night with Ishta's auntie Grace. She was so wonderful! She has three BEAUTIFUL kids. It was a really great experience. Someone stole a bag from me the other day. I was so mad because it just had markers, my study group notes, and the kids work. I hope they felt wonderful when they found NO cash!
Seriously think about your life and the meaning of you

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