Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Several interesting characters came into work

tonight. I was shocked by the hate that that they spoke and wore. Then I felt bad for judging them, and then I justified my judgment I do not really know if that is legal but I did it anyways. I will not include color or demographic they were so that I can not be called prejudice or basing a stereotype on a certain culture, religion, gender, or sub-society. The first person who came in was talking about animals. I mentioned that I used to volunteer for a humane society. This person said, “those commercials for the humane society make me more sad then the pictures of starving children in Ethiopia”. It made me sick. I immediately defended the children and the man said, “well if their parents would get off of their a#* and work they would have food.” I had to stop talking and walk away because I knew I was about to say something to loose my job. What is the proper response to that?

Then another person came this one was a skinhead with nazi tattoos and pins decorating its vest. I got sick with that also. I had to pray “God give me love for this person, let me love them like you love because I wanted to say a few choice words about ignorance and ask if they had ever been to the holocaust museum.

I started thinking about all of the different groups that are motivated by hatred. I was thinking aloud to my co-workers on talibanistic strongholds and even Christianity that is fueled by religion, which is hate on its best day.

There are so many branches of hatred such as; religion, sexism, racism, and injustice.

Then my co-workers and I started talking about cultures that are based on hatred such as; Texans believing the South should rise again, or FGM in East Africa is practiced by willing girls, or how women wear Bourkas or some only wear skirts just because they want to, or how there are “white” things and “black” things to do not really because they are actually practiced by only white or blacks but just because for the last 2 generations we have labeled it that way.

As Christians we have to be apostolic in our thinking. Apostolic in the original meaning, going into cultures and changing them into Kingdom cultures, or for non-Christians just go into a culture and cut out the ideas, concepts, and precepts that are generated by hatred.

My cousin up until last week went to an all black school in the largest segregated black-only neighborhood in the states.. Yes, that actually still happens in Louisiana. The other day there were a few problems in the class room. The security guards came in took my cousin and the teacher (both white) out of the class room leaving all of the other students in the room. The guard started yelling at all of the kids calling them many choice words. The Principle and councilor sat down with my aunt and uncle asking them to take my cousin out of the school because they were just not prepared to become and integrated school.

How about the KKK started putting ads in coffee shops, cafes, and newspapers when President Obama was elected.

On being hateful, I think it is funny how Christians call our president who they are supposed to intercede and stand behind, if they read their Bibles, a Muslim who is actually Satan.

Really… Are our lives that shallow that we have to live to hate?

The socially elite think of themselves above everyone. I remember in Uganda one night I was house-sitting. One of the house boys was outside being yelled out by the neighbor. I walked outside, acting as the house manager. I asked what was going on, the house guy told me that the neighbor had falsely accused him of something and was threatening to beat him. I asked the neighbor man what happened. He started talking down to me as a woman and told me not to speak to him. I was outraged but I used wisdom and walked away since I was alone with only a very skinny house guy and by this mans tone I knew he would have no problem hitting a woman.

When will it stop? How is racism, sexism, supremest thinking, and religion still existing? Why do we allow hatred to live?

To confound the religious Christians, the largest givers to humanitarian causes, or we could say caring for Jesus, are not saved. The richest and smartest people in the World are not Christians. -We have to change this!!! Not all Islamic people want to blow people up, actually most of them are 100 times more devoted to every facet of life and deserve be more respected than almost every Christian I know. One of the greatest most quoted men on Earth was Hindu. God is Love and hate has to die to live in him! And the spirit of religion crucified my Jesus. As for the religious who do not follow Jesus, I can’t speak for you besides the fact that most religions are based on doing well and not causing other people to suffer.

To the racist, we all came from the same thing.. Dirt created all of us, and if you are not Christian we all evolved from the same thing.

To the sexist, we can’t live without each other. We are equal! Humanity would die out with out one of us!

To the socially prejudice, think of your ancestors, who were they and what did you come from. Are you an immigrant who depended on help from other people, or are you self-made wealthy and you came from a poor family but had that person in your life who was an encouragement that pushed you to succeed? Be that person to someone else.

Love is the key! All we need is love.

I go on these rants when I get so frustrated and my mind is exploding with confusion. Life is more fun living it through love! Get it!! I realize that I cannot judge or return the favor of hate to people I do not agree with so in the end instead of judging their hate I should show ultimate love. My prayer is that God would give me the Love, wisdom, and patience to deal with hatred!

God Bless!


Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

Girl you need to udpate! :)

Tami Sisemore

Sreedhar Jeshurun said...

Hi Audi interesting article on love and hatred. This morning As I reached my office desk I visited your blog and was reading the article hatred. I was encouraged by few thoughts like we need to apostolic rather than religious.
The following excerpt should be followed by every Christian to expose the love of God.

“As Christians we have to be apostolic in our thinking. Apostolic in the original meaning, going into cultures and changing them into Kingdom cultures or for non-Christians just go into a culture and cut out the ideas, concepts, and precepts that are generated by hatred”.

I have seen some of your photos found that you visited our country and were very well adapted to Indian culture by eating Indian food, traveling in the autos. I appreciate your cross culture evangelism. You were truly Indian in [Salaam Namasthe] .I have seen Indian ness as you wore the blue saree you were truly reflecting Indian culture. This is what Christ did for us even though he is rich became poor to make us rich [bless] by his love. As you said finally that “Love is the key! All we need is love”

It’s true: today Christendom is to base their foundation on Love &God is love.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” [John 3:16].