Thursday, May 28, 2009

Travel Journal entry 1

Sitting here with a stomach full of matooke and the brisk Ugandan breeze coming through the window I could say I am very happy! I have been here for about a week now and I am already dreading the day I have to say goodbye to this place. Its weird, I left my heart in Africa! You know when you just belong in a place… well that is my relationship with Uganda.
I arrived last Tuesday night. I had a really crazy trip. Everything seemed to be so long and irritating. P.s. do not fly through Amsterdam if you ever come to Uganda. I arrived and Moses and John picked me up and took me to a guest house that Pastor Sam (the man who has kept the children) had arranged for me to stay. It was nice to have dinner with them! Wednesday I went and met my children for the first time. It was beautiful! They had prepared a sign, songs, and bible verse memory for me. I felt so great. I felt true love. Since then I have just spent time with the kids, friends, and new contacts. This trip has been different already. I am staying very far out of town with no running water, restrooms, electricity, and sleeping in a room with 13 other people. It has been a little hard for me to get used to a latrine, just being honest. REALLY HARD… If there were not bugs I could handle it! Anyways, life is so great here. I love these people and the way they live their lives. They are so cool minded and free of stress but at the same time hardworking and goal oriented. We have had many Bible studies. It is so amazing to see the children who have been abandoned and hurt beyond words to sit in reverence to the Holy Spirit as he kisses them with his presence. It is so amazing. They really love the Lord. I love it when they do not know I am watching and they sing with their whole hearts with their little eyes closed. It really changes you.
I am not going to lie, even though I have been here before, I was in complete culture shock for like two days. Things have changed a lot since I have been here. There are so many foreigners here. It is weird to go into a coffee shop and there are mostly whites. People are smart, everyone should move here! It is beautiful!
Yesterday, the kids and I painted the living room of the Joy House. Periwinkle yellow.. haha.. I had always thought periwinkle was a blueish color. The kids had such a fun time. They were wasting so much paint and getting it everywhere but they were having too much fun for me to tell them to stop. They got carried away and started painting the outside of the house. Haha.. okay!
You know my most favorite thing about being with the kids is the fact that I can walk outside and there are five avocado trees! They all taste different! I love avocado.

Life is wonderful. God is love.


Im sitting at a Turkish restaurant enjoying my self with hummus and internet!!! Yay.. Just a quick recap, because I brought my charger but forgot the adapter, I forgot I am not in the US! So this past weekend I went to the west with a few friends for a day to look at land and to go to a funeral. It was nice. I can only upload pictures on myspace not due to the net being jacked. I have spent most of this week getting electricity in the house, my chi blew up so I got my hair relaxed, spending time with a few Australian missionaries that I met here, and sending the children off to school. All is perfect. I think I may try to get a job now that the kids are in school due to lack of things to do in the house. We have five house girls that live in the house and take care of all of the needs.
God bless miss you all.
I have an address if you would like to send something to the kids. Please email me at
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