Tuesday, January 3, 2006


Ahhh.. I am in a very weird mood. I am not sure that I want to be here. I just got back to Stockton, from Christmas break. I am ready to be in India. I had a very weird day, I woke up late. Then I went to the office, where I had a Rose Bowl shirt waiting on me!! GO TEXAS! I have trust in you! Then I rode a bus to the mall. On the way I had to change busses, because I had no earthly idea what I was doing. I had to wait with this CRAZY lady next to me. She was laughing hysterically at me. I thought maybe because I am a very confused and out of place little, blonde, nicely dressed, cell phone and iPod in one hand, and mace in the other. I guess I would have laugh at myself if I were a fat bum with maybe all of my belongings in my suitcase that I was taking on the bus. I asked her where she was going, and she answered, “Wherever the next bus is going.” Though she did not get on the next bus because it was only going to the mall.. It made me think about how great of a life that I have. Thank you Jesus. Image having nothing… I don’t know if she was just a nomad or if she had just been kicked out onto the streets by her husband. You never know. The bus experience was amazing. I did it just for the heck of it, but I actually kind of liked it. It is a whole other world/culture for me…

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